6. Circumcision

The covenant of Abraham and the law are brought to fulfillment with the circumcision of the Son of God on the eighth day. The Holy Spouses give him the name they received from the angel, Jesus, indicating that the fullness of salvation has arrived.

Share the Holy Spouses’ awe at the child who has come to fulfill the law and the covenant that for two millennia was signified by circumcision. Experience their wonder as the painful shedding of a drop of his blood already signifies the salvation indicated by the very Name that God chose for him. With Mary and Joseph adore Jesus your Savior.

Mary, full of grace, and Joseph, son of David; honor to you, Mother of God, and to you, guardian of the Redeemer. Eternal praise to the child with whom you formed a family, Jesus Savior.

Holy Spouses, …

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